
NEHPBA Meet & Greet - Albany, NY Area


Meet & Greet - Albany, NY area


August 6, 2019


6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT


Brown's Brewing Company Troy Taproom and Brewery
Revolution Hall
425 River Street
Troy, NY 12180
518 273 BEER (2337)

Date/Time Information:

Join us from 6PM to 8PM for food, drinks, and an interesting discussion on the hearth industry! Our speaker will be Rachel Feinstein, from HPBA EPA/Government affairs. She will be discussing the state of affairs on capitol hill.

Contact Information:

Karen Luther


$40.00 value but is free to both members and non-members in 2019!



Event Description:

NEHPBA is hosting a series of Meet & Greets around the Affiliate Region in place of a 2019 Annual Meeting. Come enjoy food, beer, wine and conversation about your industry!

Our special guest speaker:

Rachel Feinstein
HPBA Government Affairs

Thank you to Duravent for sponsoring this Meet & Greet!

Register Now!

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Members of the North Central Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (NCHPBA) and its regional Affiliates are the leading companies that produce, sell, or service appliances and accessories in the hearth and barbecue industries in North America. Join today to take advantage of all the benefits your company will receive.